In the beginning…

Here I am, 53 years old, in an office based routine. Nothing very exciting happening from week to week, month to month. The odd week or two on holiday. Wife and kids…all very normal.. enjoyable but normal.

I’ve decided to take myself out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. Ive decided to escape the office life and paraglide at various sites around the world – from cubicle to cloud base.

I’m based in sydney, and have just come back from Manilla north of Tamworth. Godfrey and team has helped me on my way and I hope fly next down at Stanwell, when the wind swings around and also the blue mountains and lake st claire.

Bali is on the hit list as well as a few site in asia.

I may head to the UK for a fly. Europe and the alps, and then North America are on the list longer term.

I have an action camera and a strong desire to shake off my comfortably numb malaise..

…here goes.